Being from the old school and enjoying photography far more than photo editing and I wont go to graphics editing . Yes I will , putting my head on Rambos body with a background from somewhere on the planet with a skyline from mars ISNT photography. Thats better , purged now . :)
I have always looked for software that suited my eye and my requirements . My eye ? , the interface , something quick , simple and I don't need a degree to learn to use it . At best I'm nothing more than a enthusiastic Happy Snapper taking around 4 to 5000 frames a year on cropper Canon cameras with the vast majority going on the net and never getting printed at more than around A3 or A4 . OK , software . I have gone down the Adobe route and don't like it apart from an old Elements I use for cloning out telephone wires and Garbo bins etc. I call it "Bloatware" 2.46 GIG ..
My New Years resolution for 2014 , "Find Something Holty" and I think I have . Over the past 6 weeks I have download around 4 gig of trials and updates etc and compared them side by side to see if there is anything new or with new improvements over the past 12 months . Yes, I even downloaded new Adobe stuff as well including Elements 12 .
OK what stayed , got upgraded or purchased and I will put them in no order ..
While it may be a HDR program I use it on single images and I love it , so simple and quick , I have shown people printed photos including Lab tech's and no one picked HDR .
A lot slower than Oloneo with an interface that looks Windows 95 in comparison BUT a great ghosting algorithm , especially for hand held shooting. . I have made some of my own "presets" that make the photo look non HDR , just a little more punchy to put on the net , especially Flat Face Facebook . If you ever want to see a good photo look like crap put it on there . .I am VERY surprised Facebook haven't come up with a "Hi Res " membership that allows better quality photos , sizing and graphics on sites when you consider how many businesses are now using it .
Very sexy , if you can call software sexy . A bit slow on my box but I love it for when I get serious . Quality breeds quality and for me this is it . It has even made me get off my butt and go out and take some decent photos because I wont use this program for happy snaps.
I saved "MY" best until last . Not long back from who knows where and now Open-source and cross platform with a user base of 35,000 and growing rapidly . You can read the spiel on their site and while it has an unusual process of membership before downloading I can see the reason in their methodology . I have only just begun to use this but within minutes it fitted "my eye" and logic . Once I get more familiar with the program I will put a few photos online in my Photo bucket site . The irony of this is being Open-source it is free and compared to some of the other stuff I have played with over the past 6 weeks or so I would gladly pay $100 dollars for it . I cant even make a "donation " .
Sorry guys windows only . I don't know where this has been hiding but is a no brainer for me and within an hour of finding it I put it on both machines and deleted programs I have used for many years . Simple to use , quick , well quick enough for me but I don't have huge downloads / folders because I don't shoot 1200 frames a session at 8 FPS then sort and throw out 1000 .
The only thing to date it doesn't have that I use is a Perspective function but apart from that its great . If this program ever gets it I can stop using an old Elements 10 and then I will be totally Adobe FREE !!!!
Love the full frame viewer with the hidden menu bars that don't hog screen space and only "pop up" when you scroll over them when needed . Also I have set the 100 % magnifier to "click" so if you left click and hold down you can scroll at 100 % anywhere on the image . Finally we wont mention footprint size will we Adobe bloatware.
Footnote: These are my personal choices and comments , you are entitled to yours .